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Writer's pictureDan Fletcher

2020 - The Greatest Worst Year of My Life

Opening remarks:

This post is intended to shed a bit of light to my readers as to where I currently am today. I could write a book about this past year... Even have plans in mind to do so one day!

But right now, I am in the beginning stages of blogging and writing...

So, First (and most importantly) I want to say "thank you" to you for being here, right now, in this very present moment of time. Thank you for giving me a chance to take a moment of your time to talk to you. I really do appreciate you and your support.

Secondly, We have all suffered great losses this past year, and I, in no shape or form, think that my losses are greater or lesser than your own losses from 2020... During this post, I am deciding to get a bit personal with you in order to set the tone for this blog and give you a bit of insight on where I have come from. Also, I am purposely leaving a TON out for the sake of our time (for now).

Someone asked me this past week what topics I will be specializing in... It was a good question!

My intention for this blog is to dive into personal growth, wellness, motivational/inspirational stories, human behavior and psychology, spirituality and meditation practices to name a few... My main objective with this blog, with whatever it is, will be to give you something to walk away with and better your life.

That's it. Thats the goal.

I have come to understand that I am more or less a "guide" to people throughout my life. I help guide or nudge, but ultimately they decide their own course.

Finally: I am by no means a certified expert in anything. I am who I am. I am Dan. You are you. Im just here to give you some positive and helpful influence...

This world needs more positivity! So thats where I come in, minus flying in wearing a cape and spandex ;)

So, with that... Welcome :)

And thanks again -


Oh 2020... What a year you were. For everyone, we shared the inescapable world pandemic and all the obstacles, concerns, anxieties, losses, setbacks, and loss of momentum that came along with it.

We all felt the weight of change. Whether it was being kept from loved ones throughout quarantining, losing work and income, feeling alone, anxious, scared, sad, stressed, lost... I think it is fair to say that these weights have not left us. In fact, some of the weights have grown heavier into 2021... I mean, my cat already died this year.

Does it ever end? Do things ever get better?

A year ago today, I was recovering from being assaulted by someone in January, suddenly losing my aunt to non-covid related health complications in February, and was about to lose my entire 11 year career as a retail executive in March during the week the lockdowns started.

Needless to say, this led me to spiral into the most deepest and darkest place of despair and anguish that I have ever had to endure in my entire life. All of that... during a global pandemic. No income, no unemployment checks, no health care, living alone with hardly any money, mixed with isolation, depression, anxiety, loneliness and drinking way too much...

I was not well. I didn't even know who I was anymore.

(When I say I was saved by God's grace, I mean it.)


With all of that being said. 2020 was the best year of my entire life. The "rebirth."


Let me explain ---^

What 2020 did to me, in a nutshell, was take me from my old life, chew me up, spit me out all chewed up, leaving me on the floor as big hot ugly mess and then expect me to work with all of that. Like... what?

It got so bad that at one point, I literally only had two options: Keep going on and Live or give up and Die

Pretty harsh, right? Yeah, sounds a bit over dramatic. I get it.

At the time, last year, I felt that lost mentally... My reality was completely destroyed. My identity was completely shattered.

Has this ever happened to you before?

But choice of life or death was that real. And in choosing to live, my life was reborn. And at that exact moment in time, I decided to head down the path of life. Annnnd I kind of decided I wasn't about to mess around wasting time anymore trying to live my new life, either.

I quit drinking for good in June 2020. Quit dwelling on the negative. Started learning. Started doing. And started believing in myself. I also re-established my faith and relationship with God. I had no one there telling me I was doing it wrong. No boss instructing me on life or telling me why I was bad at something in their eyes. I had no guide on how to do this. I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was I had to get up and walk forward. And I prayed... A lot. And I cried... A lot. And I hurt... A lot.

I was forced to plan, delegate my resources wisely, figure out how to pay for things in creative (legal) ways. And in doing so, I completely stripped my old identity and unknowingly began on the most incredible journey I never thought I would venture on... And I haven't stopped walking the path since.

This was all spurred from losing my loved ones and my career...

I'm smiling to myself while writing this out right now... Why? Because at the time I thought my life was over. I had no clue back then... I had no idea what treasures awaited me. I had no idea how lost I was then and how much my eyes were about to be opened.... I had no idea what I had been missing out on... Missing out living My Life.

Going into 2021 the focus is maintaining the momentum and to continuing "the Journey."

And I invite you to continue this journey with me.

Next week I will begin discussing the importance of goal setting, how this tactic has been observed working in my own life and discuss some tips to take with you to get this year on your right track.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you back next week!

Feel free to message me with thoughts, questions, or general feedback through here or my social media accounts!

God bless


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